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Learning from Early Sewing Mistakes

Updated: Oct 2, 2020

Isn’t it entertaining looking back on your early sewing projects and wondering how you never knew about finishing that edge properly, inserting that zip correctly or sewing those seams with the correct stitch? It’s a little embarrassing, but more so quite self-motivating to realise how far you’ve come!

I’ve been through some of my early makes, and the most common mistake is leaving the edges unfinished (after working through a tiring project as a very beginner!), leaving it looking a little tatty after a number of washes or not sitting as well as it could against the body. Another is probably overall neatness – something can look great at first glance but when I scrutinise my past work, I notice all the little things that I can tell I rushed!

It’s a great learning experience to look back at what you could have done better, and a wonderful confidence boost when you recognise your capabilities now as opposed to back then! I’m not afraid to share a couple here that I’ve since learnt how to improve!

Unfinished edges:

Visible ‘invisible’ zips:

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