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Sewing Buddies - Dress Form & Mini Mannequin

Updated: Oct 1, 2020

It’s hard to imagine a time when I didn’t have my sewing buddies to help me out! Mannequins for dressmaking, whether they’re big or small, are so useful, particularly for experimenting. I recently purchased the Adjustoform dress form from Hobkirk - Catwalk Sew Deluxe - which is set to my measurements (takes a bit of effort to set it, but so worth it!). I must admit, being a first timer, I failed to get a suitable form the first time round so had to send it back and order a new one.

It was quick to set up and you can easily remove the body from the stand in order to take garments on and off. It can be a tad frightening if you come across it (haven’t named her quite yet) in the dark, but if she’s dressed up nicely it’s a bit less so!

The mini mannequin is perfect for having a play around with fabrics on a small scale to see how they drape, and it saves a lot of material if you aren’t sure about a design. I made this one using calico, stuffing and a kitchen role holder. I might venture out and make a few more to have a mini collection, and using them to compare ideas next to each other.

So if you’re currently using yourself as a mannequin or have one that is nonadjustable, then I would recommend! The mini mannequin is an excellent budget option for trialling ideas if you want to try that first.

The Dress form you can find here.

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